Music and the Arts...

There are too many angels who've passed time in this town called Amherst for this page to be so silent. People who've shown us the role of art in protest. That it is not simply watercolors on a page. Whatever the medium, art brings into tension, the politics of being, presence and vulnerability.That said, if you have a story to tell let me know. Until then, these links to Max Roach, Archie Shep and Sonia Sanchez must suffice.


Also on Youtube Sonia Sanchez tribute to Dr John Bracey: "I found a family... in a place called Amherst"

Clip provided by Zebulon Miletsky




Dr. Amilcar Shabazz
Dr. Amilcar Shabazz

Dedicated to

Dr. Amilcar Shabazz, chair of W.E.B. DuBois Department of Afro-American Studies, and instructor of the class "Heritage Of The Oppressed." Thank you for reminding us the importance of learning the stories of the "other." 

Number of visitors since Feb 28, 2012