

Local Landmarks



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The Amherst track team in 1890, with Jackson in the front row, second from left. Copied from "A Slice Of History" Evan J AlbrightAmherst Magazine 2007. Click link below to read article.
The Amherst track team in 1890, with Jackson in the front row, second from left. Copied from "A Slice Of History" Evan J AlbrightAmherst Magazine 2007. Click link below to read article.

Many of the current landmarks on this website takes us into the history of Amherst College. Beginning with its birth at Amherst Academy - a landmark for the creation of black worship space, to the transformation of Greek Houses into places of honor celebrating the likes of Dr. Charles Drew (Drew House) and Amos Newport (Newport House), therehave been those at Amherst College who have transcended the norms of segregated times. In the article A Slice of History,  Evan J. Albright shares the story of three seniors of the class of 1892: William Henry Lewis, George Washington Forbes and William Tecumseh Sherman Jackson.

Link to article: https://www.amherst.edu/aboutamherst/magazine/issues/2007_winter/blazing/slice


To read about Charles H Houston Class of 1915, and mentor to Thurgood Marshall, visit Johnson Chapel under Black Church Stories.











Dr. Amilcar Shabazz
Dr. Amilcar Shabazz

Dedicated to

Dr. Amilcar Shabazz, chair of W.E.B. DuBois Department of Afro-American Studies, and instructor of the class "Heritage Of The Oppressed." Thank you for reminding us the importance of learning the stories of the "other." 

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