The Art of Conflict Transformation Event Series  


Transforming threads of resistance: political arpilleras & textiles by women from Chile and around the world 



Online exhibition:   Feel free to use it for a class assignment or extra credit activity.  This entire show will be exhibited at UMASS in person.


The Art of Resistance, Memory, and Testimony in Political Arpilleras (Textiles) Public lecture by Prof. and curator, Roberta Bacic; music performed by Chilean former political prisoner, Sergio Reyes:  Monday, Feb 27  4:30-6:30pm  Cape Cod Lounge, Student Union)


Political Arpilleras and Textiles Art Exhibition:  Mon Feb 27--March 9  (Student Union Gallery)


Among the Angels of History:  Poetry and the Art of Witnessing:  Poetry reading by Prof. Marjorie Agosín, Thurs March 1, 7-8pm  (Institute for Holocaust, Genocide & Memory Studies)


Art, Memory, and State Violence: A Conversation Between Professors James Young, Marjorie Agosín, and Roberta Bacic:  Fri March 2, noon-1:30pm (Institute for Holocaust, Genocide & Memory Studies)


Vicarious Resilience:  A New Concept in Work with Those Who Survive Political Violence and Trauma:  Public lecture by Prof. Pilar Hernandez-Wolfe  Mon, March 5, 4:30-6pm, #803 Campus Center



For more information contact:

Leah Wing, Director, Art of Conflict Transformation Event Series; Legal Studies Program, Political Science Department

lwing [at] legal [dot] umass [dot] edu



Many thanks for the generous support for the 2012 events provided by:

The Graduate School; the College of Humanities and Fine Arts; the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences; the Legal Studies Program; the Department of Political Science; and the Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement.  This program was made possible in part by a grant from the UMASS Arts Council and additional support from the Center for Heritage and Society; the Center for Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies; the Center for Public Policy & Administration; the Center for Research on Families; the Commonwealth Honors College; the Department of History; Global Horizons; the Institute for Holocaust, Genocide, and Memory Studies; the Law and Society Initiative; the National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution; the Psychology of Peace and Violence Program; the Public History Program; the Social Justice Mediation Institute; and the Women of Color Leadership Network-Everywoman’s Center. 


Dr. Amilcar Shabazz
Dr. Amilcar Shabazz

Dedicated to

Dr. Amilcar Shabazz, chair of W.E.B. DuBois Department of Afro-American Studies, and instructor of the class "Heritage Of The Oppressed." Thank you for reminding us the importance of learning the stories of the "other." 

Number of visitors since Feb 28, 2012