Goodwin Memorial A.M.E. Zion ~ 100 years of Worship

We thank Christina Scharbaai who has provided the following resources:


Amherst 6th graders did a history project, and this is their link:


A Goodwin Blog. Scroll to the bottom for some historical information about Rev. Erasmus Darwin Eldredge


An article and Slide Show titled: “Praiseworthy: A century of worship endures at the A.M.E. Zion Church in AmherstBy Phyllis Lehrer. Created 05/02/2007 - 5:00am


National Register of Historic Places for districts in Hampshire County, Massachusetts


 Images of Goodwin Memorial (Note: click images to link to additional websites)




Ruth Goodwin
Ruth Goodwin

A recorded Interview: Dr. Horace Boyer was best friends with Ruthie Goodwin (one of the three daughters of Moses Goodwin) and, in 1992 recorded on Amherst Media Channel 12 

Singing Out Loud! Ruth Goodwin interviewed by Horace Boyer 1992 A retrospective of Ruth Goodwin, including a drive around Amherst. This video in dvd format has been archived by actv12.

Transcript of interview with Mrs Susan DaCosta - First Lady 1933-38
Christina Scharbaai interviews Susan DaCosta, wife of Rev. L C Jones, just before her death in 2001. Transcript + photos provided by Christina Scharbaai (1/7/2012).
Microsoft Word Document 1.1 MB
Mrs Susan DaCosta
Mrs Susan DaCosta


Dr. Amilcar Shabazz
Dr. Amilcar Shabazz

Dedicated to

Dr. Amilcar Shabazz, chair of W.E.B. DuBois Department of Afro-American Studies, and instructor of the class "Heritage Of The Oppressed." Thank you for reminding us the importance of learning the stories of the "other." 

Number of visitors since Feb 28, 2012